Before fleshing out the entire flow, I focused on just designing a means to increase communication to passengers during the existing baggage claim process and got feedback, focusing on what information is most valuable to users. I brainstormed multiple ways luggage information could be communicated to passengers.
Updated displays with passenger name
Make use of existing display screens near carousels to display the next few passengers who's luggage was coming out so they could head to the output of the carousel.
Concerns: This might cause lots of passengers to gather at each point of the carousel that had screens or around the mouth of the carousel. It also only provides increased communication at the end of the experience when passengers are already at baggage claim.
AR view of luggage
Use existing data and infrastructure to show passengers where their luggage is on the conveyor belt above them or behind the walls as it approaches the baggage claim carousel.
Concerns: While it might make waiting a bit more entertaining, a bunch of passengers walking around looking for their luggage through a view on their phone might cause more congestion and confusion as to where their luggage is.
Push/ Text Notifications
Notify passengers of luggage whereabouts in real time via text or app to reduce amount of people aimlessly waiting around the carousel. Passengers could receive communication wherever they are at the airport.
Concerns: It wouldn't necessarily shorten the entire waiting process, but could shorten time spent at the carousel and could be part of a larger solution.

Shifting responsibility to the system
Users liked push notifications most because it shifted the responsibility of finding when and where their luggage was from them to the system compared to the AR nav and updated screen displays. It would also reduce their time waiting at the actual carousel.
More information
Users were concerned about the accuracy of update milestones other than notifications of delivery. There was little trust that a time estimate would be representative of when luggage would actually arrive.
Fleshing out the idea
I fleshed out more of the text message idea, focusing on the experience of finding their luggage. I thought about the inefficient use of space and lack of security emphasized in the problem space and brainstormed alternative baggage carousels.
Vertical Lockers
After considering people flow throughout the airport and current baggage claim location, I looked for existing design patterns in the physical world that gave lots of people access to individual objects all in one place and thought about lockers and vertical car parking lots and wondered if I could use that pattern.
I stumbled across the image below that looks like some sort of vertical storage container for suitcases that are delivered by robots and used it to illustrate how a vertical locker could work.
1. Replace current carousels with more vertical lockers accessible by QR code
2. Distribute luggage to
the lockers using existing conveyor belt infrastructure and notify passengers when theirs has
3.Passengers could pick up their luggage one by one
at increased access points
Better use of space
Many multiple of these lockers would take up the space of just a single carousel which would increase the amount of luggage access points. By distributing luggage to the lockers all over, it reduces the load of people in one area.
Decreased wait time
Getting luggage from the plane to passengers more quickly was outside of my scope. However, vertical lockers and notifications could reduce the amount of time passengers spent waiting at the actual baggage carousel which could reduce perceived waiting time.
Fits into existing network
Airport luggage sorting systems already know where luggage is at all times because of the code on luggage tags. That information could be leveraged to provide real time updates about where luggage is and when it will arrive and increased security.
A new use case
If luggage could be retrieved by a QR code which could be sent to anyone, I considered if there was a case when someone other than the passenger would want to pick up luggage for them from the airport:
-A driver picking someone up
-Friends or family who get to baggage claim before the passenger
- A courier who could deliver luggage to an external location such as a hotel
Defining a User flow
I iterated on a user flows considering if this service would best be integrated in existing airline or airport apps, deciding on a standalone app. I prototyped the passenger side of the app for three main use cases:
1. A passenger wants to pick up their own luggage
2. A passenger wants someone else they know pick up their luggage
3. A passenger wants to skip baggage claim and have their luggage delivered to a designated address

Flight Info
Putting in flight information might cause users to think they are checking-in to their flight. The app should provide context as to why they are putting in their flight info
Preventing User Error
Users will likely have to flights they are juggling, one to their destination and another back. Confirming they have entered the right flight would prevent errors later on in the process
Changing Trip
Users can edit their trip, but it was unclear at what points during the trip they change a delivery option
Competitive Analysis
I looked at three existing delivery services before designing the driver network half of my solution

Managing Drivers
Bags uses their own network of drivers who only deliver luggage. Uber Eats uses the existing Uber network of drivers. Roadie relies on a network of drivers already traveling in the direction of the luggage they deliver.
Instead of re-inventing the wheel, I decided to brainstorm how to make use of the network of Uber drivers. The idea of pooling luggage came to mind as a way to keep costs down.
Similar to a food delivery, Uber drivers could:
1. Accept a new request for a delivery
2. Pick up the luggage
3. Drop it off to the passengers desired location

Iteration 3
Considering the previous feedback I prototyped higher fidelity screens to user test.